Our History
What began in 1733 as a one-man blacksmiths shop has now grown into a modern 22-strong company. We have been able to introduce industry-oriented processes without neglecting our family working atmosphere.
In the future, we will continue to work on keeping our company fit for the future through constant innovation and further development at process and employee level.
Metal manufacturing since 1733
Our company has a centuries-old tradition in metalworking. The Engl family business in Bolzano has been active since 1733, first as a wagon and farriers workshop, then as a mechanical workshop. Since 1956, our master craftsman has been working in the field of tool and mold making. Today the company is run by the 10th generation.
Purchase of the „Prözischen Schmidten“
Andrä Engl (*1702 †769) from St. Sigmund in the Pustertal Valley buys the “Prözische Schmidten” on the Wegscheide in the Zollstangen district for the price of 2200 fl. (florins). He is entered in the Bolzano register of citizens on March 12 as an ‘Inwohner’ and pays 15 fl. tax and 2 fl. annual trade tax.
Picture: 1st page from the purchase contract of 1733
Takeover of the “Pretzischen Schmitten”
Johann Baptist Engl (Johann I – *1735 †1790) takes over the “Pretzische Schmitten auf der Weegschaid der Statt Botzen” from his father Andrä.
Picture: Guild seal of Johann Engl 1790
Johann Baptist Andreas Engl (Johann II.) takes over
Johann Baptist Andreas Engl (Johann II – *1769 †1810) takes over the smithy on Wegscheid and acquires the “Hammerschmidten im Viertl Rain und Gurmenthal” in 1798.
Picture: 1st page of the purchase contract for the hammer mill
Johann Anton Josef Engl (Johann III.) takes over
Johann Anton Josef Engl (Johann III – *1795 †1836) takes over the Wegscheid forge, but dies at the age of just 40.
Picture: Excerpt from the 1837 estate
Johann Anton Engl (Johann IV.) takes over
Johann Anton Engl (Johann IV – *1825 †1868) takes over the Wegscheid smithy, acquires the Straußenegg estate in 1863 and operates a lathe and grinding machine in Mühlgasse using water power.
Picture: The widow with children (1868)
Johann Anton Engl (Johann V.) takes over
Johann Anton Engl (Johann V. – *1858 †1941) passes his master craftsmans examination in Innsbruck on October 18, 1883 and takes over the Wegscheid smithy. 1894 and 1898 he builds 3 apartment buildings in Mühlgasse. 1906 Sale of the parent company ‘Wegscheider Schmiede’.
Picture: Picture of the grandfather
Max Josef Engl
Max Josef Engl (*1901 †1973), the youngest son of Johann Engl, attended the Imperial and Royal Technical School in Bolzano and opened a precision mechanics business in Mühlgasse after his practical years. During the war with the air raids on Bolzano, the workshop was moved to Frangart. Return in the fall of 1945.
Picture: Max Engl at the ‘Shapping’
Johann (Hanns) Engl (Johann VI.)
Johann (Hanns) Engl (Johann VI. – *1932), son of Max, joins his father’s apprenticeship on July 1, 1948 after attending the Technical Highschool. From 1956, contact with injection molds and gradual conversion to toolmaking with the acquisition of modern machinery. 1985 Foundation of ‘Hanns Engl Werkzeugbau OHG’. 1988 Move to the newly built hall in Bolzano-South, Negrellistrasse 10. Son Johannes joins his father’s company after completing his school-leaving examination at the technical highschool in 1987 and a period of practical training abroad.
Picture: Hanns Engl
Johannes Maximilian Engl (Johann VII.)
Johannes Maximilian Engl (Johann VII – *1966) becomes a partner and takes over the management of the company together with his father. From 1987 to 2007, numerous investments are made in the machinery and the new CAD-CAM system is implemented. Engl has been ISO 9001:2000 certified since 2000. In November 2006, the new building in Bolzano-South begins and in February 2008 the company moves to the new air-conditioned premises, Klimahaus B, now Enzo-Ferrari-Straße 13.
Picture: Johannes Engl